

One of our highest priorities at 雪的大学 is to increase the amount of scholarship assistance available to incoming and returning 学生. 拥有近6000名学生 and growing steadily, Snow depends on private scholarship support to attract and retain 学生. Any gift, no matter the size, will change the life of a st乌兰nt in need. Since many of our graduates are first generation 学生, your giving impacts generations.

Snow aims to provide financial assistance to every st乌兰nt in need. 每次捐款, we are closer to reaching that goal. 奖学金 help to make 学生’ dreams become a reality and give them the opportunity to reach their goals. 你可以帮助减轻 the financial burden for 学生 and their families by supporting scholarships. 请 consider supporting a Snow st乌兰nt by donating to any already established scholarship, or by establishing a scholarship to leave your legacy.

“…I have large aspirations of becoming an orthodontist one day and I hope to eventually 开我自己的诊所. Snow has provided the perfect academic and social environment for my first few years of college. The small classes have not only allowed me to build a relationship with my professors and classmates, but they have also helped me grasp 信息更全面. With my busy schedule and difficult classes, scholarship support has allowed me to focus on my studies rather than stressing about my finances. 我将 forever be grateful for my time spent at 雪的大学 and for the financial assistance I received from generous scholarship 捐赠s to make this experience possible.”


You can make a gift using cash, bonds, stocks, real estate, bequests, insurance, trusts, 以及其他法律文书. Scholarship funds can be established as memorial scholarships, or as ways to honor an individual, organization, corporation, or foundation. 我们将 work with you to maximize your gift and fulfill your wishes for the award. 见下文 information regarding annual and endowed schoalrships.

请拨打435与我们联系.283.7062或电邮 乌兰.wons@gnivig if you are interested in establishing a scholarship.


Annual scholarships are non-invested funds that support immediate scholarship needs. We appreciate donations to any established scholarship.

Gifts to the 雪的大学 General Scholarship Fund are combined with other 捐赠 gifts 支持学生. Unrestricted general scholarship support is especially helpful to ensure we attract, retain, and support 学生 without restriction.

Snow also has a special "Reimagine Scholarship Fund" that specifically supports 学生 with a financial need (not necessarily merit-based). 

You may also choose to give to any already established private scholarship fund.


Named scholarships are created with a gift or pledge, payable within 5 years, of $5,000 或更多的. Donors have the flexibility of giving $1,000 per year for 5 years or breaking the donations out in other ways. Donors can make additional donations to build the fund over time to be converted to a scholarship endowment fund and earn annual interest.

Named scholarships allow 捐赠s to choose the name of the scholarship fund, and the awarding/spending criteria for the fund.

Named scholarships can be given in the name of an organization, foundation, corporation, 或者个人.


Endowment gifts remain in perpetuity and earn interest annually, this allows for continuous funding for generations to come.

Establish a named scholarship endowment with a minimum of $25,000. 年度大奖出炉 to general scholarships 支持学生 who are most in need, as determined by the 雪的大学 Scholarship Office.

If the fund reaches $35,000, awarding/spending criteria can be chosen by the 捐赠.


Endowment gifts remain in perpetuity and earn interest annually, this allows for continuous funding for generations to come.

Establish a named scholarship endowment, with 捐赠 specified awarding/spending criteria, 至少捐赠35000美元. Awards are given based on criteria determined by the 捐赠.

You can make a gift using cash, bonds, stocks, real estate, bequests, insurance, trusts, 以及其他法律文书. If you establish an endowment fund with $35,000 或更多的, 你决定:

  • 奖项的基本条款
  • 奖励级别
  • Who is eligible for the scholarship
  • 如何选择收件人



The 雪学院基金会 provides hundreds of scholarships to 雪的大学 学生. Funds are provided by private gifts from generous individuals, community groups and 企业. The 基金会 sincerely thanks all scholarship 捐赠s. 查看电流 list of scholarships, please click 在这里

External Private Donor 奖学金

Many external 捐赠 scholarships are offered by private organizations and/or organizations not affiliated with 雪的大学. If you are a private 捐赠 and plan to send a scholarship check for a 雪的大学 st乌兰nt, make the check payable to 雪的大学. 发送 检查:

以法莲,UT 84627

请 incl乌兰 the st乌兰nt recipient's name and 雪的大学 ID number, as well as a contact name and phone number for the 捐赠.


Not all 基金会 奖学金 are based on financial need. 学生也会得到奖励 scholarships for academic achievement in specific areas of study and community involvement. You can apply for 雪学院基金会 scholarships.

请浏览 奖学金办公室 了解更多信息.