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General Education
Transfer Credit
Graduation Survey

助理注册主任-毕业: Chrissy Ray
(435) 283-7142

鼓励学生通过学位作品跟踪他们的毕业进度. A student can access Degree Works through their MySnow portal, Badger Web or at  


  • 副学士学位需要60个学分,至少34个学分 一定是通识教育学分吗.
  • Students must meet the following resident credit standards. 常驻学分是指学分 PG电子官方免费下载. College credits earned through AP, CLEP, PLA, credit by exam, and other non-traditionally awarded credits do not satisfy these standards.
    1. 学士学位需要30个学分,所有学分都必须是高年级学分.
    2. 副学士学位需要15学分.
    3. 技术教育证书要求4个居民学分或25%的课程, 取较高者.
    4. 完成证书需要8学分.
    5. 熟练证书要求4个居民学分.
    6. Awards require 100% of the required credits to be resident credits.
  • 累积平均绩点为C (2).00美元或更高的工资必须在完成工作后才能获得 at Snow College.
  • A grade of C- (1.7) or higher is required in the GE groups of Math (MA), English (E1 & E2)和美国机构(AI).
  • Course numbers below 1000 are considered Pre-college or Remedial. These do NOT count in a student's graduation GPA or graduation credits.
  • 除非课程委员会批准,课程只算一次毕业 课程“可重复”.
  • 以下课程是交叉列出的,不可重复的课程,这意味着它们是 被认为是同一门课程,只有一门可以算作学位(不是两门):
    • BUS 1110 & COMM 1800 -数码媒体工具
    • BUS 1210 & HFST 1210 - Personal & Consumer Finance
    • EDUC 2400 & SW 2400 -多样化的人口
    • HFST 1500 & PSY 1100 - Human Development (previously Developmental Psychology)
    • ENGL 1010 & ENGL 1005 -说明文作文
    • ENGL 2010 & ENGL 2014 -中间成分
    • GEO 1950 & DRON 1950 -无人机维修 & Construction
    • GEO 2845 & DRON 2845 -无人机操作 & Safety Cert.
    • GEO 2846 & DRON 2846 -无人机应用
  • 必须提交所有参加的高等教育机构的正式成绩单 to Snow College. Transfer GPA is not calculated with the Snow College GPA.
  • 所有学生账户必须全额支付. 不颁发文凭和学位 如有未偿债务.
  • PG电子官方免费下载秋季和春季学期连续入学的学生 must, for purposes of meeting graduation requirements, elect to meet requirements in effect at the time of entering the college or at the time of graduation. If enrollment is interrupted, students must elect to meet requirements in effect at the time of 返校或毕业时间.
  • 毕业前五年内未取得的学分 College may be subject to review by both the Academic Standards Committee and the 有关部门.

Snow College students may earn only one academic degree in most cases. Students may 没有获得两个普通副学士学位(i.e. 理学副学士(AS)或副学士 of Arts (AA)). This means students are only able to declare and earn one Meta-Major 或主修一般副学士学位.  

在特殊情况下,学生可以从PG电子官方免费下载获得两个独立的学位. 它们如下: 

  • Snow College will award students multiple certificates if they have fulfilled the 每个证书的必要要求.
  • Students may receive two degrees if they are at different levels (e.g. a certificate and an associate degree or an associate degree and a bachelor degree).
  • If students earn an associate degree in a specialized or applied area (e.g. AAS, APE, AFA) they may also earn a general associate degree (AS or AA).
  • 当两个学位的要求都达到时,可以授予第二个学士学位 满足,如果至少30学分的课程工作与住宿要求不同 are met.

考生毕业时将按本目录的要求办理 他们被录取了. 学生的上限是

  • 1年完成证书课程
  • 3年完成副学士学位
  • 6年完成学士学位

如果学生花的时间超过了规定的年限,那么他们一定上过学 PG电子官方免费下载在目录年度使用这些学位要求来毕业.

Programs that are no longer being offered may not be pursued by students who were 未被录取或未被正式录取的学生 time. Students may not combine portions of different catalogs to fulfill graduation requirements. Once a catalog is selected, students must abide by all the graduation 在该目录中指定的需求.


Each degree or program at Snow College will have its unique set of requirements. Please see the 学位和课程 section of the catalog to determine the specific requirements for your degree.

General Education

For complete General Education information, visit the GE catalog page. 符合通识教育要求的课程将包括以下通用代码 在课程描述中发现 here


General education courses are identified with the following abbreviations:

  • AI:美国机构
  • E1 & E2:  English
  • FA:  Fine Arts
  • FND:  Foundations
  • HU:  Humanities
  • IE:综合勘探
  • LB:自然科学实验室
  • LS:  Life Sciences
  • MA:量化素养(数学)
  • PS:物理科学
  • SS:社会科学

GE Substitutions


Fine Arts (FA): 

  • ART 1110制图1
  • ART 1120二维表面
  • ART 1130 3D Space
  • ART 1140 4D Time
  • ART 1150 Photo I


  • BIOL 2320/2325 -人体解剖学,带实验室
  • BIOL 2420/2425 -人体生理学,带实验室
    • as of Fall 2024, BOTH courses & 他们的实验室必须完成生命科学GE


  • PHYS 2010和PHYS 2015 -大学物理I / lab
  • PHYS 2020和PHYS 2025 -大学物理II带实验室
  • 物理2210和物理2215 -物理学的科学家 & 工程师1 /实验室
  • 物理2220和物理2225 -物理学的科学家 & 二级工程师/实验室

Transfer Credit

从其他地区认可的机构转移学分可以用来满足 PG电子官方免费下载的通识教育要求. 学生必须提供转学证明 有所有学院和大学的正式成绩单的发音专家 他们都参加过. Snow College accepts transfer credit based on the following criteria:

  • 课程必须是非补习性质的,并且必须被普遍接受 or certificate.
  • 要将课程学分转入PG电子官方免费下载,学生必须通过考试 课程成绩. This is represented by the equivalent of a "D-" or better or a "P". To satisfy a program's requirements, transferred courses must meet the minimum grade and credit requirements established by the program.
  • Courses must appear on an official transcript from the sending institution. Transcripts 不接受发给学生的.
  • There is no limit to the number of transfer credits which may be accepted.
  • 其他院校的转校课程将不获接纳作转寄用途 a grade change of a course previously taken at Snow College.
  • The transfer credit evaluation is subject to audit and reevaluation.
  • Transfer credit should be received at least three weeks prior to registration.
  • 从非地区认可的机构获得的学分可能会被审查 以每门课为基础. A course description and/or course syllabus may be required 为了评估信用.
  • The GPA from transfer credit is not calculated in the Snow College GPA.
  • 军事训练学分,提交一个DD214. 
  • Students with credit earned at a foreign post-secondary institution must submit a 成绩单的核证副本 SpanTran证书评估

Students may transfer credits back to Snow College after they have transferred to another institution to complete Snow College's graduation requirements. The student 必须寄一份正式的成绩单到PG电子官方免费下载,上面有学生想要的学分吗 适用于他或她的毕业审计. 成绩单寄出后,请查收 请按以上号码与毕业办公室联系.


Any USHE (Utah System of Higher Education) institution shall consider its General 完成一般教育要求的转学生 任何其他USHE机构的教育要求. 应转移请求 学生毕业后,寄发机构应在学生全部具备资格后提供证明 完成了通识教育的要求. 请联系注册办公室提出申请 certification.


All students seeking a degree are required to submit a graduation application. There 申请是免费的吗. The graduation application is different than registering to walk 在毕业典礼上. It is recommended that students apply based on the following dates.

  • Fall四月的最后一个星期一
  • Spring十月的最后一个星期一
  • Summer三月的最后一个星期一

理想情况下,学生应该在完成大约30个学分后申请,但是学生 are strongly encouraged to apply prior to their final semester of classes. Doing so will help ensure that the necessary courses and number of credits can be taken to 完成学位要求. 学生可以通过BadgerWeb门户网站Snow进行申请 大学注册 webpage,或将填妥的毕业申请表交至毕业/注册处 格林伍德学生中心的办公室.

Graduation Survey

为了评估学生在PG电子官方免费下载接受的教育质量, 每位毕业生都被要求在毕业前接受评估并完成一份调查. The survey is an assessment of students' general opinions about the college. The results 有关的评估和调查是保密的. 他们不会出现在成绩单上 与毕业与否无关. 所有学生的结果被合并到 向教师、行政部门和犹他大学校董会提供有关大学的信息 PG电子官方免费下载学生的知识和意见.


完成所有毕业要求并获得累积学分的学生 grade point average at Snow College as follows will graduate with honors. Only courses numbered 1000 or above are counted in the qualifying gpa.

  • 3.90 - 4.00 Summa Cum Laude
  • 3.75 - 3.89名优等生
  • 3.50 - 3.74 Cum Laude


毕业典礼是对学生成功的庆祝. 所有毕业候选人 被邀请参加. 在这个仪式上,学生将被表彰 达到他们的目标,加入世界上少数人的行列 谁有专上学位.

毕业典礼在春季学期结束时举行,包括所有已经毕业的学生 上个秋季学期毕业的学生和即将在今年春季毕业的学生 Semester, or after the current academic year’s Summer Semester. The College holds 两个毕业典礼,一个在以法莲校区,一个在里奇菲尔德校区.  学院也可以为四年制学位获得者单独召开会议. Dates for the ceremony are determined by the established calendaring processes.

更多关于毕业典礼的信息可以在这里找到 here.


Any person who feels he or she may need special accommodations connected with the graduation ceremonies may contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at (435) 283-7321.


荣誉课程毕业表彰奖颁发给成功的学生 完成荣誉课程的要求. 荣誉课程试图提供一个 更深入、更有吸引力的通识教育体验,为学生打下坚实的基础 为了进一步的智力工作.

完成课程的学生已成功撰写并颁发荣誉证书 Thesis or project, which is the crowning achievement of the Honors Program. 这个成就 展示了荣誉课程的价值:参与、跨学科学习、 mentorship with quality faculty, and intellectual strength.

要完成该课程,学生的成绩单上必须有一个永久的荣誉称号, and be recognized at commencement, a student must do the following:

  1. 完成雪学院荣誉课程的网上申请(,然后被录取.
  2. 通过参加荣誉课程或通过课外积分,获得14个荣誉点 两年的荣誉课程选项,或一年的荣誉课程选项11分 入学时学分超过30学分的学生.)
  3. 完成GNST 1200(基础)和HONR 2900(荣誉顶点)的荣誉部分.
  4. As part of HONR 2900, complete an ePortfolio and a thesis or project.

有关荣誉课程要求和如何获得荣誉的更多信息 积分,咨询荣誉网页:


服务学习学者表彰奖专为有兴趣的学生而设 in enhancing their educational experience through community service. 通过这个项目, 学生通过向人们提供服务和学习来解决真正的社区问题 在犹他州中部及其他地区. Students will enhance their academic experience with the knowledge and awareness they gain through increased civic engagement. At the same 时间一长,他们就会帮助别人,塑造个人性格,变得更好 社会成员. 服务学者毕业生必须完成以下内容:

  • 综合服务项目(ISP)
  • 150小时服务时间(100小时来自ISP外)
  • GNST 1100(公民参与概论 & Service-Learning)
  • 8 credit hours of service learning courses (including GNST 1100)

Graduates from the program are recognized each year with the following:

  • 毕业典礼上的特别表彰
  • 成绩证书
  • 在他们的成绩单上有服务学习的区别

如欲了解更多资料或索取合格服务学习课程的名单,请 go to